Italian Canadian Association of Saskatoon
Board of Directors

President Winston George Blake
Vice President Gordon Mellesmoen
Treasurer Cristina Fortugno
Secretary Maria Fortugno
Past President Paola Fortugno
Director Francesca Fortugno
Director Steve Fortugno
Director Silvana Gilchrist
Director Steven Mellesmoen
Director Vincent Mellesmoen
Director Gabriele Valenti
Director Rebecca Valenti
Vice President Gordon Mellesmoen
Treasurer Cristina Fortugno
Secretary Maria Fortugno
Past President Paola Fortugno
Director Francesca Fortugno
Director Steve Fortugno
Director Silvana Gilchrist
Director Steven Mellesmoen
Director Vincent Mellesmoen
Director Gabriele Valenti
Director Rebecca Valenti
Best wishes to both returning and new board members
and thank you to our past board members!
and thank you to our past board members!